Skin and Sex Specialist
A Skin and Sex Specialist is a medical professional who treats conditions related to the skin, hairs, nails and genitalia. They may specialize in dermatology, sexual health and related fields, providing care and treatment for various skin and sexual health issues.
Ayurvedic Skin Specialist:
According to Ayurveda, correcting skin diseases requires a multistep approach.
Ayurveda recommends dietary changes to pacify the Dosha affected. Good food can help strengthen the digestive fire. This in turn helps block the formation of Ama or toxins that could harm the skin. The proper skincare, drinking sufficient water and yoga and exercise are needed to help in effective skincare. Ayurvedic medicines and products available at SUKH SAGAR DAWA KHANA can help manage skin problems .Contact us to know more.
Sexual Wellness and self-Care
Sexual wellness is an important part of our overall well being, just like physical and mental health. You can trust the best sexologist doctors team at SUKH SAGAR DAWA KHANA for your sexual problem. Female and male problems such as premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction may be treated medically.